dunno wats happening to me. wat a neh neh day yesterday was. everything i do sure got smth to obstruct me. i was hoping that yesterday will be a better day, but e 1st thing i faced was the super big rain. i wished it would be a sunny day so at least i dun feel so sian. nvm.. then, i was late and sorry to make weilun wait for 40min at bugis. then, i wanted to do a manicure but didn't managed to do it. then, we wanted to take neos BUT the machine was damn idiotic. no fun at all. havnt finish yet.
my 1st zouk and phuture experience sucks! i dun understand wats so amazing about it except for the drink was quite cheap. i really think that e ppl there looks stupid to me. cuz when e music starts to change and getting high, all the ppl in e dance floor were standing there like bamboo sticks! saw ostrich dance, parapara cum agogo dance, and this person who only use his left hand to hit smth kind of dance. really sucks. and i was talking about zouk. phuture = more sian.
think e only happy thing yesterday was i met a new friend - angela. she's a super cute and friendly gal lahh.. and we were like so close to each other even though we only know each other for abt a few hours. the bang head, bang into ppl and shoe drop incident LOL. we laugh and laugh until stomach pain. and i drank alot. valina mocktail, vodka lime, shared 1 jug of vodka ribena with monty (almost 4 drinks) and i'm not drunk yet (meaning going to) but i stopped.
really damn sucky. i hope that today will be a better day.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
ohayo gozaimasu! hmm.. 11am alr lah. gg to noon. anyway, will be gg down to bugis later to meet weilun and monty ^^ i hope my pay is in alr so that i can shop shop shop! got to carry 38 books of comic down to return him *bengz*
now den i realise OL = no life. why?
7am = wake up
8am = go to work
8.30am - 12pm = work till death or sian till death
12pm - 1pm = lunch time!
1pm - 6pm = work till death or sian till death again
6pm = off work! alr too tired to eat dinner. dun say go out to play.
6pm - 10pm = online do nth.
10pm = ch u show time!
11pm = sleep zzZ
super no life hor? sit, watch youtube, eat, sit, watch youtube, and all e fats will store in the battock even though nv gain weight =(
Saturday, July 29, 2006
i'm seriously feeling damn shit now. and they actually went to buy the present without informing me at all. even kenny went and i dun see e reason why i'm not informed. i was actually quite shocked when i received bl's sms last night that they've alr bought his present. i was like thinking "ohh.. so u all went out.. and i was not informed.." its not e problem of gg with them or not. the prob is that they didn't tell me at all. and all i noe is that they bought a polo tee for him and it cost $4.20 per person. fine then.
to speak the truth, i felt damn left out when they update me abt wat happened in sch and that's when i start to feel that "uhh.. i've really missed out so much.."
super shity now. dunno wat i'm typing alr. bye all.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Slam Dunk funny version acted by korean students (i think. Chao cool de. Timing super good ^^
Slam Dunk funny version
Renai Revolution 21. The 2nd link is done by korean students and the 3rd is from korean army. Original song by morning musume. Looks so stupid to dance on the snow floor lol.. and now den i noe army boys are so "eng" to make all these videos BWUAHAHAA
Renai Revolution 21 - Original
Renai Revolution 21 - Korean students
Renai Revolution 21 - Korean Army
Another version. An ojisan invaded their concert and performed with them LOL
Renai Revolution 21 - Ojisan's invasion
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Water fountain using only Diet Coke and Mentos @@
Rainie Yang's Ai Mei funny version 0rz
programmer de tong ku =X
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

finally can upload my anmitsu photo ^^ went there with celine quite long ago le. on e 30th of june *pay day* =p chou oishi!
green & pink = mochi
red = strawberry
orange = dried apricot
white = valina icecream
*hidden bellow* = red bean paste + cube jelly
little pot = melted brown sugar

the teriyaki chicken rice. not really nice lah.. chicken not bad bit e eggs on top of e rice too sweet le.
conclusion: go there eat desserts jiu hao. food not very nice. normal only.
Friday, July 21, 2006
i kanna sore eyes again! oh my sky swell until left half e size only humph. took half day yesterday and thought it will get better.. na li zhi dao it swell until e double eyelid become single eyelid. no choice have to go poly clinic again this morning for MC =.=

see e sky! so pretty ^^ snapped it on my way back home. think e aunty who walked past me will think that i'm siao LOL =D sunny + hot! heng got wind.. if not think i'll faint on e way home.
i hope my eye gets better later.. cuz i want to swim! haizz later 7th mth dun think i ll go swim le. so must go swim until i happy before stopping for 2 mths (double 7th mth this yr).
Friday, July 21, 2006
didn't went to work today cuz of laziness. and i'm really feeling bored. just finish re-watching summer snow (e 1st jap drama i bought years ago). and tsuyoshi is really young at that time ne. and i really feel old after watching the drama. was only 14 when i 1st watch this drama and i'm now 19+ le. just realise that my granny suffered from the same illness as the main actress :(
think i got to change my lifestyle le. cuz i really think that my life is damn boring. but i dun really know where to start changing from. almost all my friends are working alr. and i'm still left with 1 sem + 6 weeks of poly life. really dunno where to squeeze the time from to meet them. too busy with work already. jia you yanting!
was browsing thru friendster and found out that he is in a relationship. congrats lol.. my long lost fren. met him in irc when i was 13+ (sec 2). and we didn't even met once after 6 years! lol.. he dun even wan to send me his photo. friendster also dun have his photo. i hope he show his face to me someday.. i finds him very different from the others whom i've talked with in irc at that time =p. those typical guys will normally want to meet up but we didn't even talk about it at all. usually, we will chat on the phone for hours almost everyday until my dad come and shout at me to put down the phone lol. we can chat and chat for hours ^^ but somehow i finds him quite boliao. and slowly, we lost contact =X friends for 6 yrs and we never even met once. but i knows about his family problem and stuffs. he knows mine too.. weird relationship huh?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
just came back from lunch. waited for not less then 30min for my chicken fried rice! *angry* dunno y their standard drop le? e food there actually is not bad de. maybe their fried rice no standard? just feeling damn $*@)#&!#)!@!* -> more than 30 mins of waiting time. they even served those that came after us loh *humph* and by the time my food came its alr 12.45pm. reached office at 1.20pm.
monday blues again. i seriously dunno wat to search on youtube le. i even watched kanjani 8's clips. reminds me of my lower sec life when i was very into johnny's junior. my time got yamapi, toma ikuta, kattun, jimmy mackey etc etc. btw now like all mia except yamapi and kattun lol. but now see those jrs like a bit too young for me le. xiao di di tachi. m(_ _)m not my type =X i really old liao.
carol came back from her 1 mth holiday le. she went US! so gd *envy x10* actually i'm quite happy to see her back in the office ^^ mei you wo xiang xiang zhong de na me bad. cuz i tot she ll scold me for not doing the things she taught me. anyway, yuan lai wo de dan xin shi duo yu de *phew*
Monday, July 10, 2006
*My Colour* ??
someone sent me an email and it says :
If your birthday is on......
December 23rd~ January 1st = Red
Cute and lovable type, You are picky but always in love...and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to and can make you feel comfortable.
hmm.. so i'm always in love o.O the "moody" part is quite true though..
Friday, July 07, 2006
Asyura is on leave again i think. and i'm the only call station which is opened for today. hopefully she will come in the afternoon.
think i'm sick again. having sore throat. like sick forever. the weather is going to kee siao. suddenly rain suddenly so sunny. and my office is damn freaking cold.
finally got my "pay" of $450. went to Azabu Zabou for my ANMITSU on friday with cel ^^ spent $20. was thinking of bringing monty for the icecream on saturday but the restaurant > full house = overflow -.- so we went to Swensens instead $20. kanna K by my sis for Pepper Lunch total $32. Sun's bday (yesterday) $20. Total of $92++ spent on FOOD!!! omg. i'm going to eat soy sauce porridge for 1 week.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006